
Chemical Peels

Goodbye dull skin cells; hello radiant glow! Chemical peels can dramatically improve the appearance of the skin on the face, neck or hands. There are a variety of products that can be combined and used according to the type of damage being treated.


  • Face
  • Neck
  • Hands
  • Chest


A chemical peel is a technique used to apply a chemical solution that “unglues” superficial skin cells, which slough off the skin. The amount of exfoliation is what varies among peels as well as the exact chemicals used to “unglue” the superficial skin cells.

The result is new, regenerated skin that’s smoother and less wrinkled. It can also treat medical conditions, acne, blackheads, hyperpigmentation, dull skin, and a rough texture.


  • Blended chemical peels are preferred because different peel agents in combination with each other can create dramatic results.
  • Acne-prone skin responds very well to a salicylic acid peel which is a derivative of aspirin, a natural antimicrobial.
  • The Illuminize Peel is very light peel that doesn’t result in any peeling, so it’s usually preferred to improve the skin’s appearance before a big event.
  • If melasma is your problem or stubborn pigment, the Melanage Peel is Haley’s favorite in adjunct with Kojic brightening pads mixed with Arbutase.


Peels can stimulate collagen production, cause a noticeable improvement in skin’s tone and texture, and even diminish fine lines and hyperpigmentation.


Results and recovery depend on the depth of the peel used. Peels can vary from superficial to medium to deep.

Superficial peels can take up to 7 days to heal. The skin may be slightly red and may scale and peel 2-5 days after treatment. Lotion and daily use of sunscreen should be used. Makeup can be resumed 24 hours after.


  • Chemical peels are generally the among the most affordable facial rejuvenation procedures.
  • Chemical peels cause controlled damage to the skin, and stimulate the body’s natural healing process to generate softer, renewed skin with fewer flaws.
  • More than 1.3 million people received chemical peels in 2015 in a medical setting, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
  • Chemical peels are also referred to as chemexfoliation or derma peeling.