The Science Behind

We have all heard over and over again in the popular press that the key to losing weight is to simply consume fewer calories than we expend on a daily basis.  “Simple,” we are told.  We are told this so often that we believe it to be an indisputable truth.  It sounds simple enough, but it is not the whole story.

What is most important is to increase the calories that your body burns on a daily basis.  While exercise supports this increase, a much more critical factor is your resting metabolic rate (RMR).  Your RMR refers to the number of calories your body burns on a daily basis without any exercise activity, For the average person, RMR is responsible for 90% of the calories your body burns on a daily basis – even if you exercise.   Since 90% of your caloric expenditure is dependent on RMR, you can see how important this is to losing, gaining, or maintaining weight.

Your personal RMR is a direct result of the amount of your body’s fat-free mass, since only fat-free mass metabolizes, or burns significant calories.  Thus, body composition is a critical factor in weight management.  The greater your fat-free mass, the greater the rate of caloric expenditure.   While you burn additional calories when you exercise (or do any physical activity) the main purpose of exercise is to maintain or increase this fat-free mass.  Approximately 20% of your fat-free mass consists of metabolic cells contained in muscle tissue.  The majority of the remaining fat-free mass consists of water.  Water is very important to support metabolism of the muscles as well.  Carbohydrate-restrictive diets can compromise the metabolic activity of muscle, since carbohydrates are the fuel for muscles, and help maintain water content in the body.  A diet that promises extremely rapid weight loss, such as several pounds in a week, depends on inducing body dehydration, or water loss, to achieve those goals.  This approach is not sustainable from a long-term perspective, as the body will reabsorb and retain water at the first opportunity.



Almost all of today’s popular diets depend on calorie reduction to achieve weight goals.  The problem with this philosophy is that for every ten pounds you lose on a calorie-restrictive diet, you lose nearly an equal amount of fat-free mass (4 ½ pounds) along with the fat (5 ½ pounds).  So by the end of the diet, your metabolism can be significantly slower.  At the same time, calorie restrictive diets cause a chemical reaction within your body known as “starvation mode,” whereby your body holds on to fat. This is the reason so many dieters regain weight so quickly following these diets. The net effect is a slower metabolism and a more rapid conversion of calories .

The key to long-term fat and weight loss is to change body composition in order to maintain or increase fat-free mass.  Not only will you look better, but your metabolism will be faster, you will have more energy, and you will be able to consume more calories without converting them to fat.

The MetaMyo is carefully designed to maintain or increase fat-free mass while reducing fat.  This leads to optimal, or natural metabolic rate by the end of the program.  MetaMyo achieves this by carefully monitoring the proportions of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, and fats) contained within all the foods you eat during the day.  Using patented algorithms, MetaMyo establishes macronutrient goals unique for each individual, based on well-established nutritional science.  MetaMyo then tracks achievement of these goals on a daily basis.  After a 12-week program, you can expect to see improved muscle tone, reduced fat, and enjoy a faster metabolism.  MetaMyo achieves this without restricting any of the foods you like to eat, without prepackaged food portions, and without the use of any drugs, herbs, stimulants.  You will be surprised at how much you can eat and actually burn fat and lose weight – when you eat the proper macronutrient proportions.