Reset Wellness Co.

Gina Coffman, Wellness Expert, is the founder of Reset Wellness Co., Inc. and the creator of the Nutritional ID program. Gina is enthusiastic about weight loss and has a passion for helping others to live healthier, happier, and more productively. These attributes, coupled with her expertise when it comes to reducing body fat and building healthy lean body mass, led her to create Nutritional ID. The effective tool has been available to individuals since 1999 and has helped many realize their dreams of becoming leaner for the long-term.


Six weeks after the delivery of my son, Zackery, I looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize my body. I wasn’t able to fit into any clothes – or even four sizes bigger! I really wanted to drop the fat, so I began exercising. The exercising helped me feel better, but I just couldn’t lose the inches in the places I wanted to lose. I was lifting weights and doing cardiovascular activity, but real changes occurred when I focused on keeping track of the amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fat I was eating. I went back to my biochemistry textbooks, started asking the top trainers questions, and continued to research the latest medical and nutritional information. I began to put into practice what I had learned and went on to place first in various bodybuilding competitions over the next three years.

The results were dramatic and I decided to dedicate myself to helping others who were frustrated with their bodies. I have constructed diets for people of various ages and fitness levels (including many who cannot exercise at all) and the results have been phenomenal. Fat loss and muscle gains in individual after individual led me to develop this software. Constructing a diet for a client took me many hours and I wanted to find a way to help a lot more people. “Nutritional ID” is the embodiment of that aspiration. It helps people of all ages who sincerely want to safely transform their bodies.


With the mobility provided by smartphones, Reset Wellness Co. is able to increase its reach. The company
is committed to improving the lives of men and women in the trucking industry and working alongside insurance providers as the solution to obesity and associated risk factors that effect their families, their employers, and the safety of all those on the road.

As Reset Wellness Co. migrates its consumer version (M-Factor Diet) to an exclusive application (MetaMyo) that only employers can provide to their employees, nutritional id will extend its reach into one of the most underserved markets today. As costs soar, help is needed to alleviate this burden and Reset Wellness Co. is committed to improving the health and bottom line of employers and the value they bring to their employees. Our application combines the computational power with the statistical analytics needed to monitor and motivate the progress and changes MetaMyo facilitates.

Contact Us

Reset Wellness Co., Inc.

2435 Park Avenue, Suite 117
Tustin, CA 92782

(714) 922-0570