
I am the author of a website, Facebook page and Twitter account called World War and Holocaust Remembrance which includes three chapters entitled “Germany Started the Great War,” “German Atrocities In Belgium—A Sample Of Things To Come” and “The Holocaust in the Soviet Union.” The mission of World War and Holocaust Remembrance is to raise the public’s knowledge and awareness of the Great War, the Second World War and the Holocaust. If we are to understand the present and shape our future, we must never forget the past.

I am also writing a narrative non-fiction book entitled Savior: How General Zhukov and Other Heroes and Heroines Saved the Soviet Union, Defeated Nazi Germany and Foiled Hitler’s Plan to Conquer the Middle East. It tells the true story of Russian General Georgi Zhukov who saved Leningrad from certain destruction, handed Hitler his first defeat at the battle of Moscow and was the architect of the Russian victory at Stalingrad, the turning point of the war.

I can help an individual or a group understand:

  • The Great War
  • The Second World War
  • The Holocaust
  • The Cold War
  • 20th Century History
  • Politics and current events