The Helping Hands Project is a series of workshop classes bringing individuals together, teaching them a craft making skill while giving back to the community. Our purpose is to connect art and personal relationships as a resource for individuals to develop an artistic skill and give back.

Cultural projects play a fundamental role in reviving the minority and other disadvantaged communities. The capacity of people acting together on matters of common interest, makes a great difference in the health and well-being of individuals and neighborhoods. Our goal is to give opportunities for people to come together in the creation of art and celebration of life.

We want to inspire each individual to develop their social capital by cooperating, sharing, seeking and finding shared goals, and by developing ties on a cultural level. The connections created between individuals will serve the community from economic development, civic participation and healthy living.



We are uniting forces with One Shoe Ministries to create a bigger impact in our community! Through art classes and workshops, we want to engage the public in participating and supporting their neighbor and city.

 One Shoe is an art program that uses art to speak value into every individual. The purpose of this workshop class is to develop undiscovered local talent and provide income streams to participants through the sales of their original and reproduced art. We want to encourage better life choices through positive community and interpersonal relationships as well as foster strategic partnerships to connect participants to other services and opportunities.”  – Dayna Bickham