What is Sawabona Association?
Sawabona Association is an International Association of women who create and develop social projects around the world to improve the lives of individuals, communities and the environment.

What does Sawabona mean?
Sawabona is a greeting used in Natal tribes of South Africa that means “I see you”.

What does the Sawabona Association do?
The Sawabona Association works on humanitarian and environmental issues through grant making, fundraising events, community service, campaigning and media projects. Through active collaboration from our directors and ambassadors in association with other organizations that share our goals, we create a better world for marginalized individuals and societies as well as to protect our environment.

How do I become an ambassador?
In our home page you will find an “apply” section where people from all over the world submit their resume and head-shots in order to be interviewed. Our Sawabona team wants to ensure that every ambassador has knowledge and experience with community service.

Where is Sawabona Association based?
Sawabona Association is based in Los Angeles, California.

Do I need to live in Los Angeles in order to become an ambassador?
No. We work with ambassadors from all over the world through projects and events in their home country.

How can I participate on Sawabona Association events?
All of Sawabona events are posted in our website under “News“. Everyone who would like to volunteer in our projects are required to contact us prior the event. We will train you and guide you through the steps of social work before you get involved in any specific cause.