Wildcard Übergabe von I.D. Riva – “Schöne Münchnerin” Abendzeitung Model Contest

Wildcard Übergabe von I.D. Riva – “Schöne Münchnerin” Abendzeitung Model Contest

Übergabe der ersten Wildcard – powered by I.D. Riva
vor 4 Tagen von Lena Gertzen

Bei der Secret Fashion Show konnte Kandidatin Marcia trotz der großen Konkurrenz von 100 hübschen Mädchen restlos überzeugen. Durch ihren Walk und ihr professionelles Auftreten während des Events konnte sie sich die erste Wildcard sichern. Somit darf sich Marcia bereits zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt auf das Finale der Schönen Münchnerin im September dieses Jahres freuen.



Übergabe und Shooting

Am 21. Juni wurde die begehrte Wildcard dann von I.D.-Riva-Geschäftsführer Konstantin Gaitanides feierlich übergeben. Im Anschluss durfte Marcia dann noch einmal ihr Können vor der Kamera unter Beweis stellen: Bei Temperaturen von über 30 Grad (!) gab die exotische Finalistin der Schönen Münchnerin 2017 bei einem spontanen Fotoshooting alles und überzeugte alle Anwesenden – inklusive Fotograf Sigi Müller – restlos!








How It All Began

One day, not long ago, I was leaving school and on my way to the train station I saw an add by the “Abendzeitung”, a local newspaper, saying “Now accepting Applications for Munich’s Model Contest”. Munich’s Model Contest “Schöne Münchnerin” exists since 1948. I had never heard of it, but than again back in the 90s I was to young to know about this.  Well instantly I went on their website and checked the requirements to participate. They were simple, one had to be female, tall, German, from Munich and available. All applies to me. So I filled out the application.

Not long after I received a message saying I have been entered into the contest with an invite to the “Secret Fashion Show” on the 15th May 2017 at the “Alte Konkresshalle” (old congress hall of Munich).

The show presented the 100 contestants of the “Schöne Münchnerin 2017” competition. It was the opportunity to show off our model skills. And so I did! I passed a fun day backstage with 100 girls from Munich with different backgrounds, lives, looks but the same dream, becoming a model. There were several Designers which got to choose each a maximum of 8 girls from the 100 present. We would walk for them, pose and do a fitting. Once passed that step it was all about the fashion shows choreography, lineup and presentation.

After lots of chit chatter, meaningful Instructions, introductions of the team and crew, it was hair and makeup time. One final run through and the guests started arriving. At 7pm the doors were open and people were filling the place up quickly. Backstage, we could hear the fast growing noise of people mingling in the foyer, already celebrating! Excitement spread!

Show start, 8pm sharp! Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHl8yWHz8oE

A successful Show, presenting plenty of beauty with talent, attracted Germany’s celebrity, fashionistas, actors and many more. 

An article in the “Abendzeitung” newspaper covered the story. To see the article visit: http://www.abendzeitung-muenchen.de/inhalt.100-bewerberinnen-auf-dem-catwalk-schoene-muenchnerin-goes-secret-fashion-show.2a23a8ce-feeb-436e-b65e-f075f1880ddd.html

On May the 17th, the Top 50 were announced! Hopeful, I skimmed through the content…there I saw it! A photo of me was placed in the Top 50. Satisfied I shared the link with my boyfriend Alex. He was at work when he texted me back congratulating me being in the finals. I had no idea because I did not, at first, read the article beneath the Top 50 photos.

Thanks to I. D.-Riva Tours owner Konstantin Gaitanides, who is one of three judges in this contest, gave his wildcard to me. With that I received the first wildcard and got a direct jump-start to the finals in September this year!

Astonished with Konstantin’s decision, I had the privilege to meet him in person on the 21st June. A small Team of camera man, photographer, two ladies from the newspaper and I.D.-Riva Tours, Konstantin were present to document this event followed by a photo shoot and lunch.

This story is available online and in print on Monday 26th June!

See article above for up to date news on this story!

To follow the story click here: http://www.abendzeitung-muenchen.de/schoene-muenchnerin

How this contest works you’ll find out here: http://www.abendzeitung-muenchen.de/inhalt.alle-termine-in-der-uebersicht-schoene-muenchnerin-2017-der-fahrplan-ins-finale.fb01dd64-ace2-4e5c-bfe1-99d47460c300.html

Note: all Links are in German

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