Life is like a “Box of Chocolates” as Forrest Gump said once and for Joyce Khoury nothing could be closer to the truth!
Joyce was born in 1951. This was the beginning of a time of tremendous change in society, technology, economics, culture and much more. Until then most people followed traditional ideas that were direct and expected. But starting in the 50’s and beyond so much of the world exploded into creative, innovative and truly ground-breaking pathways.
Born of humble, immigrant parents from Canada, Joyce grew up in New Bedford, Massachusetts and began to experience life to the fullest. She was the first person in her family to attend college. She married a man from half-way across the world, had four amazing daughters and always worked to support her family and herself as they progressed through their life journey.
Joyce’s various job experiences helped her gain a tremendous understanding of how to help people and today she finds her career as a Medicare Insurance Specialist one of the most satisfying endeavors of her life. By helping each person make the choice of choosing their health care plan, Joyce has had the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life who continue to offer so much to society.
Each client has an important and interesting story to tell and Joyce feels it is a gift to have a career at this stage of her life that is so helpful and allows her to contribute to their understanding of living a healthier, happier life.