Laura Plumb on Wellness for Realists

We have a special guest Laura Plumb on the set with us here to educate us on what Ayurveda means.

We know that it is based on the system of Doshas, or body types and that they also fuse diet, herbs, and yoga in to help maximize the benefits.  We also know that the Doshas are made up by the body fusing the 5 elements together.

Laura Plumb Bio:

Offering classes and consultations in Ayurveda, Yoga, Mind-Body Therapies, Nutrition, Mantra, Meditation and Jyotish,

Laura Plumb is the founder of VedaWise, a teaching, healing and wise living institute devoted to the traditional knowledge and science of the Vedas. She is also the co-founder of the Deep Yoga School of Healing Arts, known as DYSHA, trains Yoga Teachers, teaches Mastery of Life programs and offers retreats, workshops and seminars. Deep Yoga is a thoughtful merging of the three rivers of Tantra Hatha Yoga, Ayurveda and the Raj Yoga of Patanjali’s Sutras into one comprehensive study, giving classes that are rich in healing, meditative experience and deep, personal ritual.

For almost four decades, Laura has studied the world’s great wisdom traditions with a host of heart-centered masters, including Dr. David Frawley, TKV Desikachar, Shambhavi Chopra, Yogarupa Rod Stryker, Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar, Rita Rivera and don Miguel Ruiz. This style of practice, known as Para Yoga,She is certified as an Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor through Kerala Ayurveda Academy; as an Advanced Yoga & Ayurveda Educator and Ayurvedic Healing Practitioner through the American Institute of Vedic Studies (AIVS); and is a registered E-RYT500 with the Yoga Alliance.
Spiritually, Laura has been guided by Paramahansa Yogananda, Baba Muktananda, Anandamayi Ma and currently HH Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswati Maharaj, who has recently asked her to create Ganga Yoga to raise awareness about the need to honor and preserve our mother waters, our mother divine, the divine Shakti in all its manifestations and  the spirit of giving that is inherent in true Yoga.
As a global advocate of women’s empowerment, Laura is the founder of the Sophia Mission,, a Service Organization responding to the call to foster wisdom, cultivate the ancient healing arts, nourish the female spirit in leadership, and help ground the Divine Feminine in this time of worldly transition. The Sophia Mission provides activities and experiences to unite women, grow self-esteem, strengthen the inner sirit, encourage compassionate service and model sacred leadership in women and girls, in turn helping to  restore our world to its healthy, sacred whole.

To inspire individuals to find the delight in wholesome, natural, locally grown foods, Laura created the inspiring blog Food: A Love Story with articles, recipes and tips for a healthy, natural life. Her writing and expertise has been featured in national media, including Elephant JournalZeel, and Escape Magazine. She offers daily wellness ideas and inspiration at her Ayurveda page on Facebook.

Laura and her husband lead Yoga Trainings, as well as workshops and retreats in America, Europe and India. To support her clients, she has created a hand-crafted line of Ayurvedic Botanical Oils for Body Care called Prakasha, and a unique line of Ayurvedic Specialty Foods,Dancing Plums.

Laura is based in San Diego, but enjoys traveling the world teaching the transformational practices of Yoga & Ayurveda with her husband Bhava. More information is available on herAyurveda page, her Jyotish page and the Deep Yoga website.

Christian Cristiano Bio:

Christian CristianoChristian Cristiano received his Masters of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. The school’s renowned full-time program requires students to combine coursework with concurrent clinical internships, providing exposure to patients during the entire four years of study.
Christian received his B.S. in Business Administration and Marketing. After graduating, he started and managed a successful personal training business instilling in him a passion for helping people reach their goals.

Christian also studied at the University of Madrid at Cumplutense, where he became fluent in Spanish. After spending two years in Madrid, Christian was recruited for an extremely stressful position at a high-profile company in Chicago. He soon started suffering from shortness of breath and other respiratory issues, prompting him to visit several western MDs. Each diagnosed his condition as stress-related, and despite the fact that he was in his 20s and in otherwise good health, two of the doctors prescribed heavy tranquilizers.

Christian never filled the prescriptions. Instead, he visited a prominent Acupuncturist, Dr. Tony Lu, who cured his ailments in just three treatments. These incredible results, coupled with his passion for health and fitness, inspired Christian to pursue a career in Chinese medicine. He moved to San Diego to study Acupuncture, and has since developed an esteemed reputation for his comprehensive skills and goal-oriented practice.

Christian works to help patients achieve their healing objectives as quickly as possible. For some patients, it may be simply to heal an illness or injury. For others, it is a crucial element in a health maintenance, illness prevention or overall wellness plan. In addition, some programs may require weekly visits to ensure a homeostatic state so that organs function properly and in balance.

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