What Does Obesity Really Mean?

Have you ever wondered if you are technically obese or what the term really means?  Obesity is when someone weighs 20% more than what is considered normal for their weight and height.  The best way to measure where you stand regarding your weight is by using what we call the BMI Body Mass Index.  18.5 to 25 is considered normal.  What we know for sure is that America is fat!  The more complex questions is why?  There are many reasons for Obesity and Overweight including but not limited to too many calories and not enough exercise, diseases, socio economic class, and genetics.  Overcoming obesity is challenging, but people are doing it every day and so can you!

Christian Cristiano received his Masters of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. The school’s renowned full-time program requires students to combine coursework with concurrent clinical internships, providing exposure to patients during the entire four years of study.

Christian received his B.S. in Business Administration and Marketing. After graduating, he started and managed a successful personal training business instilling in him a passion for helping people reach their goals.

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