Where do you shoot the Demo Reel Films productions?

All Demo Reel Film shoots are produced and shot in Los Angeles, California, primarily at the Los Angeles Center Studios.

When is the next Demo Reel Films shoot scheduled?

The Demo Reel Film shoot dates are set based upon industry accepted production dates.  Upon confirmation of acceptance, production dates will be provided to you based upon the film shoot dates.

Why do I need a Demo Reel Shoot?

The key element for being successful in the entertainment industry is that an actor needs to have professional experience, recognized production credits, an impressive demo reel, and membership in the Screen Actors Guild.    We help you to achieve this result faster and better than you would be able to do on your own.

Who do I contact to find out more information about Demo Reel Films?

Our representatives are available to answer any questions that you have about our programs.   We welcome you to call our customer service line at (206) 339-7155

Why does it cost more than other programs on the market?

Our Demo Reel shoot is produced by industry professionals at an actual movie studio.  Other programs are typically shot in smaller studios by less qualified production crews, producing less than industry professional results.   Plus, we offer SAG eligibility, which creates an added cost.

What exactly do I get from this program?

  • Professional experience with real industry professionals and film crews
  • 5 professional demo reel scenes
  • 5 lead and support role film credits
  • Screen Actors Guild (SAG) eligibility
  • Films that are submitted to Film Festivals

Who are the Directors of these projects?

Our Directors are industry professional and highly recognized for their work.  Each Demo Reel Films shoot may be director by a different industry professional, so please check the calendar for more information.

How do I pay for the program?

All money accepted for the program is held in an escrow account at Bank of America.  You can go to any Bank of America branch to make the deposit, provide a wire transfer to Bank of America Escrow (Account xxxxx, Routing xxxxx)

Is there housing or hotels near the studios where I can stay?

Yes, we have a partnership with actormodelhousing.com and you can contact them for more information.

Can I stay in Los Angeles longer than 1 week?

Yes, American citizens are able to stay in Los Angeles, and foreign participants should check visa requirements for staying in the United States.


Do I get to pick the script for the Films we shoot?

The scripts are written specifically for the actors participating in the program and take the unique talents of each individual to make for a better productions and final results.

When do I receive my Demo Reel after the shoot?

You will receive your finished demo reel within 30 days of the last day of shooting.

Can I submit scripts for the Demo Reel shoots?

Yes, all scripts will be considered for future Demo Reel Film shoots.

Will there be other professional actors in the scenes?

Yes, there are professional actors in the scenes in order to keep the scenes held together with professional experience and quality.

Will my credits be listed on the website IMDB?

Yes, your professional credits from the Demo Reels Film shoots will be entered on the IMDB website.

What does SAG Eligibility mean?

It means that you fulfill the general participation requirements to be allowed to apply for SAG membership.

Will I be guaranteed a paying job in the Entertainment Industry?

Demo Reel Films provides you with the tools to be successful in the industry, and provides your Agent and Manager with the content they need to get you professional paid work.

Will I get an Agent from Demo Reel Films?

Agents and managers participate in our programs and are always looking for new talent.  It is up to you to produce good performances that qualify you for these professionals to want to represent you.

Can I participate as a Director or part of the crew?

Yes, we have separate programs for participants interested in being a crew assistant.