Ryan Reynolds Talks DEADPOOL – AMC Movie News

Through a lot of turmoil and seemingly endless uphill battles, the DEADPOOL movie is finally hitting AMC Theatres on February 12th 2016 and goes into production in just 2 months. In a recent interview with MTV, Reynolds talked about the process, their ability to make their film in their own way, and the lingering pressure following the failure of THE GREEN LANTERN. Reynolds said the following:

“Itā€™s been a long time, but itā€™s happened in the right way and thatā€™s all that matters. We donā€™t have the kind of money that most superhero movies do, but thatā€™s great, actually. Necessity is the mother of invention, and thatā€™s why we get to make the movie we want to make. You gotta have faith in the people youā€™re working with, and have faith in the prep, and thatā€™s all Iā€™m doing. On this one, the prepā€™s been 11 years. Youā€™d like to think youā€™re putting your best foot forward, but weā€™ll see.ā€

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