Show: Filmnut

Renee O’Connor Wins Over Filmnut, Again

Renee O’Connor post show blog

Filmnut 313

Guest: Renee O’Connor

Crew Position: Actor/ Writer/ Director

Current Projects: “Words Unspoken”, “Ark”, “Bitch Slap”

Tagline for Words Unspoken: “The road to forgiveness unfolds as a man searches
his heart to help assist his father’s dying wish”.

Past Projects: Xena: Warrior Princess, Monster Ark, Boogeyman 2,


Well round two with Renee O’Connor did not disappoint!

In a past life, okay maybe not that long ago, I was a tenant in a small apartment
building in Hollywood. I had an onsite manager who I got along with okay. I paid
my rent on time, and was always pleasant when I ran into her. I called in
maintenance requests as needed, and they were usually tended to in a reasonable
amount of time. What I couldn’t understand is why my landlady made such a big
deal out of me being such a good tenant? After all, all I was doing was paying
my rent on time, extending normal courtesies, pleasantries, and mixing in the
occasional conversation. Well a few years later I got a job in property management
where I had to deal with tenants on a regular basis and I learned exactly
why I was a saint in the eyes of my former Hollywood landlady. Because not
everyone does what they are suppose to, or bothers with the little basic courtesies.
So when someone does, you appreciate it.

What does this have to do with filmmaking or my guest Renee O’Connor?
(watch the interview and find out!) Well, aside from her vast talent, I think she
“gets it”.What it takes to be a filmmaker, to be an artist, to be someone who
values what they have, respects the craft, and knows how to work with and
appreciate people.

We talked a lot about her short film “Words Unspoken” in which she writes, directs, and
stars. A thought provoking piece that doesn’t do the thinking for you and inspires
conversation. O’Connor took a novel approach to her foray into writing, which we discuss
during the interview, and she pulled it off masterfully. Inspired by two sentences in an
article, Words Unspoken says a lot.

In addition to Words, we touch on a lot of other topics, including: the Sci-Fi web
series Ark, in which O’Connor will be starring in, and great viewer questions covering
a variety of topics.

Despite the depth of O’Connor’s short film, the tone of the interview was passionate
and filled with laughter (especially the now traditional O’Connor shoutouts!)

For me, I’m really enjoying having guests back for a second time. We did it first with
James Gunn about a month ago, and now with Renee. I think you can really see how
comfortable we are with each other.

Oh and by the way, digging the new studio!

If you missed this or any episode of Filmnut you can watch it here: The episode with Renee O’Connor is number 313.
Comments or questions on this show? Let me know here:
Hope you like it!

Jeff Schubert

PS If you dig the interview, then digg it! And click this link:

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