Mass Erect Too

Mass Effect 2 reviewed plus game give-a-way. Mass Effect 2 was the game of the week on this episode of The Game Show. Jim Festante, Nikole Zivalich, and Daivd Guida covered all the news you might have missed during Combo. Combo news included: Star Trek MMO beta coming to a close. Tecmo to make games for women. I MAED A GAM3 W1TH ZOMBIES 1N IT!!!1 sells big bucks. Nintendo is anti-iPad. Capcom’s new shooter to have Epic’s Marcus and Dom. Lawyer sues over MS points. Last week’s VOD question winners were announced and a new question was asked. This week’s VOD question is “What would The Game Show the video game be like?” The winner will win a copy of Mass Effect 2. Top 7 was the Top 7 Spaceships. Game of the week was Mass Effect 2? Did this BioWare RPG live up to the hype? Stick around for Pacmobelia for chance to win a token to win an Xbox 360 at the end of the month. We gave out FIVE tokens to win the XBox 360 during the grand prize drawing at the end of the month. Watch live for your chance to win a token too!

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