Show: Filmnut

Jonathan Bennett

Jonathan Bennett, star of ‘Van Wilder: Freshman Year’, was the guest tonight; and, all I can say is I don’t know who is funnier, Bennett as Van Wilder or as himself!

From how he got into acting charging relatives a buck to see him perform tricks, to ‘Mean Girls’ and his screen test with Lindsey Lohan, his role as Bo Duke in ‘The Dukes of Hazzard’, to of course lots of Van Wilder, we covered a lot. Some of the Van Wilder topics include: his breast handshake with Kristen Cavalarri, working with dogs, the set, the music, how he was directed by Harv Glazer and more.

Bennett had the very challenging task of following in Ryan Reynolds footsteps in the title role of Van Wilder. He did a fantastic job, combining elements of Reynolds, Jim Carrey and Matthew Broderick’s Ferris Bueller to pull off his hilarious take on the character. If you liked the original National Lampoons Van Wilder, the team on Freshman year follow through on what they advertise in the Freshman Year trailer and give you more of what you love.

For you aspiring actors out there, Bennett is a big fan of Michael Caine’s acting book, ‘Acting in Film’ and he talked about why…

One topic very important to Bennett is the HIV for kids charity he works for year round to raise money for and that is…

‘Van Wilder: Freshman Year’ is available on DVD now and will premiere on Comedy Central September 5th 2009. The DVD has great extras, including a spoof of the show ‘The Hills’, that they call ‘Decatur’…

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