Show: Filmnut

Entertainment Attorney Mark Litwak Gives Us A New Look Into Hollywood

Entertainment Lawyer and Producer’s Representative Mark Litwak talked about legal and creative issues designed to help independent filmmakers succeed creatively and not be taken advantage during the deal making process.  An expert, who has written six books in the field, Mark touched on the importance of the story, knowing your audience, who is buying what films, foreign markets, and deal points to look out for with distributors. Further, we also covered pertinent issues such as the potential SAG/ AFTRA merger, Net Neutrality, and what is and what isn’t fair use.  Another hot topic was crowdfunding.  When is it legal and when is it not?  We used popular websites Kickstarter and Indiegogo as examples.
Mark has an outstanding website filled with great information and resources for filmmakers.  I highly recommend you give it a look:
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