Cross Counter Live #102 featuring Clockw0rk

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Mike Ross is back from Japan to join Gootecks on the couch to talk about everything relevant to fighting games. Mike Ross just got back from a tournament in Japan called Super Battle Opera (SBO) with FilipinoChamp to compete in Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition. He talks about his experience in Japan, shows pictures, discusses his matches and what happened to all the other American teams. Whilst Mike Ross was in Japan, Gootecks decided to do ‘Barcraft’ but Street Fighter style with the struggle of navigating a complex Japanese website, without knowing any Japanese. There is some discussion about the pros, and cons, of having free to play streams, and pay per view streams.

After discussing the Japanese fighting Game scene, they turn to the American fighting game scene, with the possibilities of what Major League Gaming could do to help. MLG has done so much for the Halo scene, and with the introduction of Starcraft II the scene has gotten huge. Fighting games is known for its roots, where it started, the fighting game scene is very old dating back over 15 years+, people want to keep it that way. MLG would bring a lot more tournaments, more sponsors, more prize money, and a lot more publicity, at an MLG event, the stream received over 30million viewers over a variety of games. MLG’s inclusion could help, but the community does not want MLG to outshine other fighting game events, holding tournaments on the same weekend as other events.

This week’s guest is Clockw0rk, he is known for his Marvel Vs Capcom series skills, with $15,000
money matches and top performances at EVO he is known around the world with his unique styles. Hot off a win at Wednesday Night Fights, Clockw0rk talks to Mike and Gootecks about the upcoming Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, the new version of MvC3. With the introduction of Strider, Clockw0rk could go back to his original, unique duo, Strider Doom! Strider is not the only new addition to UMvC3, Cross Counter ask Clockw0rk about the majority of the characters and his views on them.
For more Clockw0rk:

Clockw0rk is not just here to talk about UMvC3, there is a big announcement! Someone just got
sponsored. Clockw0rk is now a part of Broken Tier and will join Yipes, and Latif who was on one of
the earlier shows.

Clockw0rk is trying to work on his advanced skills, getting his consistency up and becoming a
better player all around, he will hopefully be making a documentary-esque or video log about any
improvement he wants to make, this could be skill, physical or mental ability, if it starts, it will begin in October, more news will come when it is available.

The third final of the Beyond Gaming tournament between Farbeyondeath (Guy) Vs. JadedNoobGamer (Seth). The match is very quick, and very hectic, Gootecks and Mike Ross have difficulties commentating from the sheer amount of action happening at once. with the Tactic 3D Alpha headphones for the winner. with the Hori VX for second place.

After the game, Cross Counter talks to Farbeyondeath on skype about his tactics. Both players have met before online so there were some meta games going on, trying to out think each other to get an advantage, then win the match.

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