Consider it Charted

Claudia Black, the voice of Chloe in Uncharted 2 and Joshua Krane, co-founder of G4 join Nikole Zivalich and David Guida this week to talk Uncharted 2. Combo news included: New details about the World of Warcraft movie. A billboard for Resistance 3 has already been spotted. A new hunting game gives Duck Hunt a run for its money. Dad builds son a a Power Wheel Warthog. Christian games might make their way to a Wal-Mart near you. Claudia Black talks with the hosts about what it’s like to work as an actress in SciFi shows and be a voice actress in video games. Joshua Krane also gave the hosts some insight on the future of the gaming industry. Top 7 list was the Top 7 video game thieves. Game of the week was Uncharted 2. Does this game live up to the hype? The episode finished up with Pacmobelia. We gave out FIVE tokens to win the XBox 360 during the grand prize drawing at the end of the month. Watch live for your chance to win a token too!

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