Bar Fights ver.2013 and East Coast Throwdown 5 | EG.Justin Wong and Long Island Joe (#303)

Cross Counter LIVE
Season 3, Episode 3
Long Island Joe and EG.Justin Wong

We sort through the after math of Bar Fights ver.2013 in this episode of Cross Counter LIVE.

After a night that saw the Golden Boy Neo and Noel Brown defeat Clockw0rk and KillerKai, Gootecks sits down with one Bar Fight’s big winners, EG.Justin Wong.

The episode started off with a recap of the recent happenings in the Fighting Game Community with topics ranging from Revox 2013 to a potential 2013 update for Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition. Afterwards, they discuss the matches from Bar Fights ver.2013, including Justin’s 10-6 victory over AGE.Fanatiq.

Tonight’s guests:

Long Island Joe (Joe Ciaramelli)

East Coast Throwdown 5 is coming up and is now a qualifier for The Video X Games in St. Maartan. Long Island Joe discusses ECT5 with Gootecks and Justin Wong, going over details and foreshadows something big to expect.

EG | Justin Wong

Justin sits down with Gootecks throughout the show to discuss things from Bar Fights to The Video X Games. He talks about his win over Fanatiq before joining Gootecks in the lab to showcase his potential new team in Street Fighter X Tekken ver.2013. The two talk strategy and how the system changes will impact how the game is played.

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