Show: Filmnut

Xena’s Adrienne Wilkinson talks about being Livia/Eve

A bonus clip on Xena: Warrior Princes with Adrienne Wilkinson

Adrienne Wilkinson

Filmnut 227

Guest: Adrienne Wilkinson

Crew Position: Actress/ Producer

Current Projects: ‘Seconds’, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, ‘Reflections’

Past Projects: Xena: Warrior Princess, ER, Charmed, Reflections, Expectation.

Websites: (Adrienne supports this site. Go here to find out how you can help Adrienne’s friend, Cat Taber send games to our troops serving overseas!)

Another great show with a past cast member of Xena. On and off camera, Adrienne Wilkinson, and on past episodes, Renee O’Connor, Katherine Fugate, Adam Armus and Kay Foster have all been so great. Now more then ever I think it must have been such a magical working situation with all of these people involved.

One question I didn’t ask Adrienne tonight was the “any advice for someone starting out in the business” question.

What I can infer from Wilkinson’s career and what I’ve read from and about her is:

-Not being overwhelmed by the volume of competition and the rejection that you face even if you are amongst the most successful in the business.
-Maintaining your persistence and continuing to develop your craft.

Wilkinson is a great example of all of the above. Business savvy, artistic acumen, and appreciation for what she has accomplished while still shooting for the stars and wanting more.

Check out her website, it has great information, updates on her career/projects (Like Star Wars: The Force Unleased), videos and more.

If you missed this or any episode of Filmnut you can watch it here: The episode with Adrienne Wilkinson is number 227.

Comments or questions on this show? Let me know here:

Thanks for checking us out!

Jeff Schubert

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