What do Hydrogen Fuel Cells have to do with your Health? – Food Exposed

Did you know Jackie drives the Honda FCX Clarity, a hydrogen fuel cell car? Jackie’s committed to making this planet a greener and healthier place and discusses a step away from traditional gasoline vehicles will improve your health. Also, she shares why hydrogen cars are better for the environment and how global warming and climate change are affecting the food and water supply – and ultimately, our health and well-being.

Jackie talks tech and health this week with Steve Ellis, manager of Fuel Cell Vehicle Sales and Marketing at American Honda.  Steve is responsible for FCX Clarity deployment to retail consumers and is also avid dirt bike racer, bicycle racer and marathon runner. He’ll share his best advice for staying fit and how fitness and health are connected to alternative fuels. Additionally, he’ll discuss the future of alternative fuels and the kind of cars we can be looking forward to driving in the future!

We can all be as active as Steve with this high protein dish – perfect for lunch or dinner – Chicken with Pistachio Citrus Sauce!


4 ea. orange

1 lb. chicken breast

¼ tsp. black pepper

2 tsp. canola oil

2 tsp. orange zest

2 tbsp. green onions, minced

1 tsp. dijon mustard

2 tbsp. pistachio nuts, toasted

1 cup orange juice

½ cup reduced sodium chicken broth


1.      Halve one or more oranges and squeeze to get 1/2 cup juice. Slice the remaining oranges,

2.      Sprinkle the chicken with pepper and salt, if desired.

3.      Saute chicken in the oil until cooked through but still moist and tender.

4.      Over medium-high heat, add the juice, zest, green onion, chicken broth and mustard to the pan drippings, stirring to make a sauce. A

5.      dd the orange slices and pistachios. Heat through and pour over chicken.




Food Exposed with Jackie Keller

Jackie Keller has dedicated her life to helping people improve their health and lives. On this segment, Jackie discusses how alternative fuel, including hydrogen fuel cells, are connected to your health!

Learn the health benefits of each ingredient in her NutriFit recipe for Chicken with Pistachio Citrus Sauce and make them in your kitchen along with Jackie!

Be sure to tune in Tuesdays for full episodes of Jackie’s show – Food Exposed – where she discusses the latest news in health and wellness; share recipes, tips & coaching advice as well as interview top guests in the health and fitness world!

Connect with Jackie on Twitter (@Jackie_Keller) and on Facebook (facebook.com/username.jackiekeller). Learn more about Jackie’s company, NutriFit, at www.nutrifitonline.com and facebook.com/nutrifitonline



Meet Jackie (Creator, Host): 

Jackie Keller is the Founding Director of NutriFit, LLC, Los Angeles’ premiere healthy food company. Since 1987, Jackie has dedicated her life to helping others live longer and healthier lives.


Meet Steve (Guest):

Steve Ellis is manager of Fuel Cell Vehicle Sales and Marketing at American Honda.   Steve is responsible for Fuel Cell Vehicle business planning and FCX Clarity deployment to retail consumers. He also provides guidance for Honda’s Natural Gas Vehicle and Plug In Electric Vehicle programs.

Steve co-developed the Alternative Fuel Vehicle department at Honda 15 years ago when Honda brought the EV PLUS Electric car and Civic GX Natural Gas Vehicle to market.  Steve managed the launch of the Civic GX in to fleets and was responsible for its transition to retail consumer markets until 2004.  Steve is well known for his pioneering work on vehicle-related environmental and energy projects, has done hundreds of media interviews and is often sought out as an expert on alternative fuels and refueling infrastructure.  Since deploying the first five FCX fuel cell cars to the City of Los Angeles in 2002 he has maintained focus on success for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles.  He served on Governor Schwarzenegger’s Hydrogen Highway advisory team, is chairman of the national Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association, and  was honored with a “Lifetime Achievement Award” by the Alternative Fuel Vehicle Institute.

Steve is an avid bicyclist, marathon runner and outdoor enthusiast.

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