Tip #7 Leg Press

Leg press if done properly will give you great results very similar to the squat without having the pressure on the lower back. This video shows the proper way to do it.


Ric Drasin, former Pro Wrestler (The Equalizer) owner of Ric Drasin’s Pro Wrestling School, Bodybuilder and designer of the famous Gold’s Gym and World Gym Logos, former training partner of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Demi Hulk (middle hulk) on The Incredible Hulk TV Series.  Ric has an Internet show with over 10 million viewers Ricscorner.com which has interviews with bodybuilders of the Golden Era (the 70’s) at Gold’s Gym along with celebrities and guests talking about fitness, bodybuilding, health and gym situations today.  Ric also writes articles for Muscle&Fitness.com, Bodybuilding.com, Universal Nutrition on training, diet and how to maintain shape well into the senior years.  Along with that Ric hosts other shows, Actorsentertainment.com,  Ric Drasin Live on Empowerme.tv, and Tuff and Tender (on relationships) also on Empowerme.tv. Ric designed the Gold’s Gym logo on a napkin in a deli in 1973 and the World Gym Gorilla for Joe Gold in 1976.  He also had a t shirt line following those. It doesn’t end there, as he also has books out that he has written, Bodybuilding for Dumbbells and The Time of My Life, the Golden Era of Bodybuilding on his website, www.ricdrasin.com   Ric has also designed more shirts that are on his site as well as on anabolicoutlaws.com   See photos.

It never ends. I love keeping busy, positive and moving forward on a daily basis says, Ric.  Living in Sherman Oaks Ca is fine but I also like to take breaks from the daily routine and come to Venice for a workout and lunch at the Firehouse. I always meet new fans and set up interviews as well.  Venice will always be my roots and my home.

Still training 6 days a week and staying good shape even though have suffered many wrestling injuries.  It’s the only way to live and train. I know no other way.  Ric received the Joe Gold Lifetime Achievement Award in Las Vegas in 2012 and last year the Orange County Legends in Wrestling and Sports Achievement award.

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