Live in the Moment – Food Exposed

What 5 goals do you believe will lead you to lasting happiness? In her book, Creating Your Best Life, Caroline Adams Miller describes research

-tested happiness boosters, and techniques for building self-efficacy. The book collects and integrates studies and research on relationships, passion, self-regulation, positive emotions, flow, strengths, exercise, values, savoring and grit as they relate to creating an ideal life.


When I did this exercise, my goals were to:

1). To savor (this means slowing down some, for me, which is really hard for me to do

2). To strengthen (in my world, that’s physically strengthen, which I do daily)

3). To emphasize the positive (as in looking at the glass as half-full)

4). To develop my personal relationships (this means taking more time for people)

5). To be more mindful in the moment (this means being last distracted)

To accomplish these goals and most others, it’s important to remember that goals not only need to be SMART (Specific, Measureable, Action-oriented, Realistic and Timed), but they also have to be value-driven, intrinsic, enveloping and exciting. Make your goals approach goals – not avoidance goals, recommends Adams Miller.


Value-driven goals that are more compelling have a greater likelihood of being pursued. Goals that foster independence and empower will help you create a life filled with vitality.

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