No One Should Be A Victim
U Visa / VAWA
What is U-Visa
U-Visa/VAWA is a program aimed to help the most venerable people in our community, victimized immigrants. Many immigrants fear reaching out to the proper authorities for help when they have become victims.
Immigrants who have been victims of certain qualifying crimes, reported the crime and have helped or are willing to help in the investigation of the crime have the ability to obtain valid legal presence in the U.S.
- Report the Crime
- Assist Investigators
- Petition for a Visa
Victims of crimes have an uphill battle when dealing with getting their lives back in order. Let us help you take power back and live the life you deserve.
- Apply for U-Visa/VAWA
- Attend your Biometric
- Receive your Decision
Let Us Help You
We Help You Regain Control
Take control of you life by planting the seeds of your future. If you have been a victim of a crime and feel as if you lost control, start with a free consultation. We will explain what options you have to protect yourself and give you the option of living in the United States legally. You can obtain legal presence and a valid work permit, that in turn can lead to Legal Permanent Residency (Green Card).

Simply tell us how to help you.